Terms of use

First and last name

Contact details


Site host


Chanson David

Pignets 8, 1028 Préverenges


WebForge Sàrl, Mouettes 14, 1007 Lausanne

Villars Graphic SA, La Côte 71, 2000 Neuchâtel


Marketing of a new type of watch with decimal division of time measurement called "La Comparative".

Processing of personal data


Buyers' phones are not registered. In the event that the negotiation continues, only the necessary information is kept.


Whether from the email box or the site's contact form, they are printed and a file is opened for further processing without time limit, in the event that a problem arises (warranty when the watch is sold or possible repairs).


They are printed and set aside until payment has been made. Once the invoice has been paid, it is filed in an appropriate file. In fact, it can be consulted again if necessary. However, it is not stored in the computer system.


In the event that the negotiations go smoothly, your personal data will not be communicated to anyone.

Visiting the site

Monthly statistics specify the number of pages consulted from the site itself, the total number of visits as well as the number of different people who have viewed the site.
The openings of the site from the Google and Bing search engines are also indicated, without however knowing the contact details of the visitors.


Cookies Usage Policy

Chanson David
Pignets 8 - 1028 Préverenges

Terms of use

Propulsé par le CMS WebForge